Find your tribe. Belong to a special community of purposeful 50+

Connect with like-minded people through a rich, interesting and motivating events programme. Intense exchange leads to exciting collaborations, expansive discussion and nurturing friendships.

Adam LeBor with Circle Square Book Launch


We produce an enriching programme of cultural, social and intellectual events. Dive in, enjoy each other’s company, grow new friendships, shape fresh opportunities, discover different passions. When we connect, we add something to the community and we gain something; all of us, every time we meet.
Upcoming Events


Share your wisdom and experience for the benefit of others.



Enrol in volunteering opportunities that make a difference to our society.

Anthony Nolan

Board Roles

Transition powerfully into fresh life stages, with expert direction.

Build your roadmap

Circle Square Green

Participate in environmental initiatives that make a real difference to our planet.


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