Set your direction

It’s time to re-set, re-imagine and re-ignite your future. Pathfinder is our trade-marked discovery tool to help you to illuminate and plan your future. The Pathfinder conversation is a one-hour, confidential phone call between you and an expert advisor. It is designed to help you uncover specific inner resources that give your life meaning, purpose, richness and satisfaction.

Find your magnetic north

We’re at the stage of life where you know what you want to express, the impact you want to make, and perhaps even the legacy you want to leave. How can you use your Magnetic North to create what you want in the face of your internal doubts and obstacles?

The Pathfinder conversation is a creative revitalization for your spirit, working in a personal and practical way to help you access your own intuitive wisdom.

What we uncover might not be brand new to you but using this information as your personal “Magnetic North” offers a fresh and compelling invitation to choose what comes next.

In this session, guided by our expert practitioners,  you will answer questions such as:

What is next for me?

What will bring me satisfaction?

What is the impact I want to make at this point in my life?

What is the legacy I want to leave?

The Circle Square offer

Every Circle Square member is eligible for a generously discounted Pathfinder session.

You will be in safe hands with our dedicated Pathfinder facilitator, Gifford Booth, who has spent the last three decades guiding artists, entrepreneurs and business executives in creating the impact they want to have.

To spark new thinking please email Teresa, our membership co-ordinator, to schedule your Pathfinder session:

What our members say

I think the thoughtfulness and care taken in designing this programme is obvious. It’s very impressive and enticing. Right up my street. The progression from magnetic north to desire and then belief, creativity and reward is great
The interviewer was hugely personable, sensitive to verbal and non-verbal cues, empathic and very easy to talk with.
The session was fab. Absolutely loved it… Thank you for the experience.
I must confess I had been sceptical about what can be achieved in an hour. I have had coaching at various points in my career and that has normally been over several sessions which take time to “warm up”. I was very impressed with the advisor. We got to the heart of things very swiftly and he was able to give form and coherence to the conversation so that even half an hour in, valuable insights had developed.I think this coaching could be of real benefit for people in the immediate run-up to retirement. It is good because unlike much professional coaching it looks at what matters to a person deep down.
One hour to unlock to my strength, motivation and direction in a life of frittered hours was well spent. I think everyone should do Pathfinder.

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