Power Up North London Camden Schools Share Offer Q&A

DATE:Tuesday 11th June 2024

TIME:7:00 — 7:30pm


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Supporting Future Generations Embrace Green Energy

Power Up North London (PUNL) is very excited to announce the launch of their latest community share offer, Solar for Camden Schools. They need to raise £130,000 from the local community to pay for the solar panels on Parliament Hill and Regent High secondary schools. If successful, the solar arrays, 400 panels in total, will save over 30 tonnes of CO2 a year and result in cheaper electricity for both schools.

Under the terms of this latest share offer, investors will be repaid their capital annually over twenty years plus a projected 4% interest. Investors can, if they wish, buy shares on behalf of others such as children and/or grandchildren.  Find out more information about the share offer in the PUNL prospectus here.

PUNL’s Solar for Camden Schools’ share offer is its eleventh solar project so far. Last year, they successfully raised £80,000 in two months to install solar panels on Talacre Sports Centre, also in Camden.  Information on all their projects is available on their website.

We invite you to join PUNL’s Camden Schools Share Offer Q&A on Tuesday 11th June 7:00-7:30pm to learn more.

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Meeting ID: 812 8895 9112
Passcode: 567756

DATE:Tuesday 11th June 2024

TIME:7:00 — 7:30pm


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