A Festive Evening at Eames Gallery

DATE:Wednesday 13th December 2023

TIME:6:30 — 8:30pm

VENUE:Eames Fine Art Studio, 54-58 Tanner Street, London SE1 3PH

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Enjoy some festive fun this December

Join us for an exclusive evening at the Eames Fine Art Collectors’ Studio on Wednesday 13th December.

Enjoy festive drinks and refreshments, while catching up with friends, meeting new members, and browsing the wonderful collection of artworks at the studio.

And for a bit of extra fun, we’re going to host an art valuation quiz!

Please don’t worry if you don’t know a Van Gogh from a Vettriano, or how much money you’d need for a Monet!  Rebecca and Vincent, the directors at Eames Fine Art, will lead us through a crash course in how they put a valuation on an artwork, and how to establish what is a fair price when buying original prints. During their presentation, you’ll have the opportunity to test your newfound knowledge by guessing the price of some of their beautiful artworks. The person who guesses the closest to the actual price will win a gift voucher to spend at Eames.

We know that when we get together, great things happen.  We hope to see you there!

DATE:Wednesday 13th December 2023

TIME:6:30 — 8:30pm

VENUE:Eames Fine Art Studio, 54-58 Tanner Street, London SE1 3PH

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