Danielle Vides

Danielle Vides

I was born in Zimbabwe and spent the earlier years of my life in southern Africa, eventually coming to London to tour around Europe in 1989 and never returned – despite living in the UK longer than any other country, I never forget my African roots.

I am married to John and have two beautiful daughters who I am extremely proud of.

I am not a high-flying exec like many members of Circle Square and I don’t tend to ask people ‘what they do’. You get a feel for people by talking to them, not on hearing how successful they are. I have moved from initially working as a computer programmer to law and now work for a charitable trust company.

I am involved in many charitable causes, whether is it helping with the homeless, driving the synagogue bus around delivering to food banks, or helping the Queens’ constabulary on Christmas Day – the more we give, the more we receive in return.

My passion is my sport. I love physical exercise and the rush of endorphins. I completed the Ride 100 mile cycle to achieve my London Classic medal (including also the London Marathon and 2 mile Serpentine Swim). Swimming is my real love though. A few weeks ago I swam in the Arctic Circle between Finland and Sweden at midnight with competitors from all around the world. Then a week later, to a very different stretch of water, the swim from Stokes Bay on mainland England to the Isle of Wight in the Solent, dodging cargo liners, yachts and generally a very busy waterway. Last weekend was racing around Burgh Island in Devon with 300 swimmers. I had no idea that we could enjoy such beautiful clear waters in the UK. I always need a challenge to strive for and have met many wonderful friends through my various sports. We love life, we love the community spirit that brings us together and most importantly, we have fun and banter amongst ourselves, whilst keeping healthy at the same time – a win/win situation.

What more is there to life, but to be happy and to wake up feeling blessed to be alive!

Share Circle Square: Member Q&A

What 3 words best describe you?
Determined, energised, kind

If you could offer your younger self one piece of advice, what would that be?
Do what makes you happy. Look at everything with a positive mindset.

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
Bringing up my daughters to be kind and caring human beings.

Which person (dead or alive) would you most like to invite to dinner?
Somebody who has achieved some crazy out of the ordinary feats in life.

How has age strengthened your advantage?
Being responsible for your own happiness and the importance of gratitude.

What inspired you to join Circle Square?
It was my husband, John’s idea, but glad we did.

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